Professional learning offered by our partners

Our global network of partners offers professional learning opportunities for teachers who want to integrate into their classrooms. Check the list for your country below.

Country / Territory Organization / Program Name Description Contact Details
Chile Fundación Kodea Ideo Digital ofrece cursos para docentes de Tecnología de educación básica y media, enfocados en los cursos Fundamentos de CC & Descubrimientos de CC de Cada curso proporciona entre 20 a 30 horas de formación, en formato híbrido. Adicionalmente, Kodea ofrece un curso general en CC para docentes de todas las asignaturas [email protected]
Ecuador Montebello Academy Nuestro programa de formación utiliza cursos de Computación Básica de CSF y, diseñado para profesores de escuelas públicas y privadas, de primaria y secundaria. Ofrecemos 20 horas de capacitación adaptable en modalidades virtual o presencial, fortaleciendo habilidades informáticas. [email protected], [email protected]
Egypt Little Coder Academy This workshop is designed to introduce Arab educators to the engaging and accessible computer science curriculum offered by, taking place over a full day (6 hours). Gain a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum and Explore the interactive learning tools and activities. [email protected]
Italia APS Programma il Futuro – Fondamenti di informatica per gli insegnanti della scuola primaria We offer four two-hour long webinars plus self-paced execution of the CSF Express course with tutor support and completion of two final projects. Quattro webinar di due ore più esecuzione in autonomia del "Corso rapido di fondamenti di informatica" con il supporto di un formatore e due progetti finali. [email protected]
한국 KNUE (Korea National University of Education) 한국교원대학교의 인공지능(AI) 융합교육 프로그램은 교육부, 교육청과 협력하여 다양한 과목을 가르치는 (예비 및 현직) 교사에게 컴퓨터 과학 및 인공지능 융합 교육 역량을 높이는 것을 목표로 합니다. 교사의 컴퓨터 과학과 인공지능에 대한 기초적인 이해를 바탕으로 교사가 다양한 교과에 이를 활용하여 학생들이 창의적인 문제해결 능력을 항상하는 것이 프로그램의 최종 목표입니다. 한국교원대학교는 교사의 전공 및 배경에 관계없이 모든 교사가 AI를 포함한 컴퓨터 과학을 교수 방법론과 커리큘럼 설계에 활용하고 통합할 수 있는 역량을 갖출 수 있도록 Code.org와 협력하고 있습니다. [email protected]
Kosova SHPIK (Professional Association of Kosovo Informaticians) Programi i trajnimit është strukturuar në mënyrë të tillë që të inkurajojë një mësim aktiv dhe interaktiv, ku nxënësit jo vetëm që mësojnë teori, por gjithashtu aplikojnë atë që mësojnë nëpërmjet projekteve praktike dhe sfidave të kodimit. [email protected]
Malaysia Fondation Rolf Schnyder Creating brighter futures through computer science education, we empower educators with's engaging curriculum. This hands-on approach (coding, design thinking, analysis) fosters computational thinking – a must-have skill for successfully navigating our data-rich world. [email protected]
Maldives Women In Tech Maldives Discover our comprehensive training program designed to empower teachers with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively integrate computer science into their classrooms. Join us to unlock the potential of your students through engaging and innovative learning experiences. [email protected]
México Fundación Televisa - Cuantrix Cuantrix es un programa de Fundación Televisa que busca generar equidad de oportunidades a través de las Ciencias de la Computación para que cada año en México un millón de niñas, niños y jóvenes aprendan a programar. [email protected]
Монгол Codercub PD - Компьютерийн ухааны багш бэлтгэх хөтөлбөр Codercub Professional Development. CSF (компьютерийн ухааны үндэс) бага ангийн кодинг хөтөлбөрөөр багш бэлтгэх албан ёсны эрхтэй хөтөлбөр. [email protected]
Portugal DRE - Direção Regional de Educação Madeira As Ciências da Computação são muito mais do que ensinar a programar. Este Desenvolvimento Pessoal visa dotar os professores com competências e, assim contribuírem para o desenvolvimento do processo de ensino e de aprendizagem dos alunos, com o suporte do currículo Junte-se a nós! [email protected]
Slovensko Informatika 2.0 Preskúmajte naše kvalitné a bezplatné materiály na výučbu informatiky. Vylepšite vaše hodiny informatiky pomocou našich kompletných plánov pokrývajúcimi vyučovaciu hodinu od prvej až po poslednú minútu, otestujte digitálne zručností vašich žiakov a príhláste sa na školenie, na ktorom odučíme ukážkovú hodinu a naučíme vás s našimi materiálmi pracovať.  [email protected]
ประเทศไทย Spark Education - เรียนวิธีคิด ผ่านวิธีโค้ด Spark Education offers innovative computer science teacher training, Our certified tools enhance classroom engagement and learning quality. โปรแกรมพัฒนาการสอนสำหรับครูวิชาวิทยาการคำนวณ ผ่านเครื่องมือต่างๆ ที่ได้รับการยอมรับระดับสากล เพื่อยกระดับการเรียนการสอน และความมีส่วนร่วมในห้องเรียน [email protected]
United Kingdom Apps for Good Apps for Good provides free, ready-made introductory computing courses using App Lab. Our resources and industry engagement opportunities support teachers in guiding secondary students, from all backgrounds, to independently develop their skills by creating a prototype app with a social purpose. [email protected]

Don't see your country?

While we currently do not actively recruit new partners into our professional learning program, we encourage organizations worldwide to join us in organizing the annual Hour of Code campaign as the first step to introducing computer science in your country. Learn more about a partnership opportunity and apply here!